The PERT test, otherwise known as The Florida Postsecondary Education Readiness Test, measures your math and English knowledge. The test is used to determine if you are ready to study Freshman Composition I (ENC 1101) and Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1033) at university. The test features 3 sections, which include math, reading, and writing. Explore our comprehensive PERT Guide to get to know what to expect from the test.
We, at Prepterminal, have developed free 3 PERT practice tests, including a PERT Math Practice Test, so you can assess your current testing level, identify your strengths, and boost your areas of weakness.
The score you achieve on the PERT exam is used to determine your university readiness. You could be required to take developmental education classes in math, reading, and/or writing if you don’t do well on the PERT.
You likely want to avoid taking remedial courses. That’s why it’s critical that you prepare in advance so that you achieve a top score on your exam. This way, you can enter straight into college-level English and math courses.
The advantages of preparing for your test with PERT practice tests, and taking PERT Math practice tests, PERT Reading practice tests, and PERT Writing practice tests, are vast. Firstly, you will learn the style and format of the test. And, secondly, you will discover your areas of strength and weakness. Preparation can also help calm your nerves and reduce test anxiety.
Tailored study, using PERT practice tests and sample questions, will also benefit you in the following ways:
To succeed in the PERT, particularly in the math part, you must be good at solving problems. Start by taking our PERT Math Practice Test. Then, make use of our practice sample questions and carefully read through the detailed answer explanations. This will help you improve your problem-solving methods and skills. It will also help you answer questions faster and more accurately. And, ultimately boost your test score.
The PERT is a standardized test. Thus, it has its own specific structure and format. The best way to master this test is to learn the format by completing PERT practice tests. When you understand the format of the test, you will know what to expect. This will minimize the possibility of unwanted surprises on the day of your exam.
Often, students invest too much time going over material that they are familiar with and good at. As you complete your sample tests, you will learn where your strengths lie and which areas you need to pay more attention to. When you tailor your study to focus on your weaknesses, you will gain more confidence and improve your test score. Developing your knowledge of topics you feel less comfortable with is an effective way to study.
Another important tip to take into consideration when studying is to repeat questions as many times as you can. Particularly questions that you are struggling with. The more you practice these difficult questions, the better you will understand the logic behind them. You will also become more fluent in solving such problems. Take as many PERT practice tests as you can, in order to strengthen your knowledge of tricky topics. You can begin by trying our PERT Math Practice Test.
The best way to beat the PERT test is by practicing on PERT-style questions. It is also recommended to take Prepterminal’s comprehensive PERT prep course. By enrolling in a preparatory PERT course, you gain familiarity with PERT-style questions. You will also learn how to strengthen your weaker areas and make use of your developed skills.
Prepterminal’s course features both written and video guides. So, no matter what style of learning you favor, our course will meet your learning needs. Our detailed course also includes various practice tests with full explanations. This will enable you to get all the practice you need to ace the exam.
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