Advance Directive Forms

En español | When planning for your future medical care, prepare your advance directives to be sure your loved ones make health choices according to your wishes. Select your state below to find free advance directive forms for where you live. You’ll find instructions on how to fill out the forms at each link.

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More Information About Advanced Directives

Every adult should have an advance directive in which you explain the type of health care you do or do not want when you can’t make your own decisions. You should also appoint someone who can speak for you to make sure your wishes are carried out.

States have specific forms for these documents so health care professionals can easily recognize the document’s purpose. To make things a little confusing, states use various terms to describe their advance directive forms.

Advance directive is the general term that refers to the various documents that could include a living will, instruction directive, health care proxy or health care power of attorney.

Some states combine the two forms so you can record your treatment preferences and name your health care advocate in one document. When you download your state’s form youll find what you need.

Woman sitting at desk contemplating advanced directives forms

Advance directives can help family members understand your medical wants.